CTR Announcements Jan 11

Retreat this Saturday!

Our first retreat of 2022 is this Saturday, January 15. We are planning for it to be in-person at CTR, with a Zoom option. However, Thomas brought back a cold from Istanbul (almost certainly not COVID - he tested negative before his flight). If the sickness seems to be lingering, then we will switch to Zoom only.

We will be listening to a teaching about community given by Clare Stobel of the Bruderhof. This is a really beautiful teaching that you won't want to miss!

If the retreat is at CTR, it will be a short retreat. After lunch will be optional activities - a short Turkey report, and perhaps a fire outside.

If you are planning on attending this retreat, please register by clicking this link. Note that there will be no registration fee.


PS: If you haven't yet listened to Mark Kinzer's teaching on Exodus 34 & Community, this would be a wonderful way to prepare for the retreat. Mark gave his teaching to Achana the day before Clare followed up with her teaching. Both are really wonderful and helpful.

End of Year Thanks!

We are deeply grateful for the generous end-of-year gifts that came in from the community. They totaled just under $8,000! This will help us put A/C (and heat) in the Great Room at CTR, which should make our retreats quieter and more comfortable. Thank you, Lord!

Statement of Personal Devotion - Feb 12

During our February retreat, we will have a chance for you to renew (or adopt for the first time) the Statement of Personal Devotion. This is an annual commitment to live out John 17 in your personal life - wherever you are. In order to be eligible to adopt the Community Commitment (which is being crafted by CTR leadership), you have to have lived out (to the best of your ability) the Statement of Personal Devotion for at least a year. So if you are interested in stepping into the Community Commitment, and have not yet adopted the Statement of Personal Devotion, it will be important to do so on Feb. 12.