CTR Announcements Sept 30

Bob & Dan from Alleluia - October *10* (not the 17th)

We just learned that Bob & Dan will be coming a week earlier than previously planned & announced. The primary reason for their trip to Texas is to attend a retreat in Dallas, and then they wanted to visit us afterwards. The dates of the retreat were moved, and so now our date is moved too!

Here are the plans, which now include a Zoom on October 11 for those of you who can't make the Sunday evening meeting at CTR.

  • In person meeting: Sunday, October 10, 3:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Childcare will be included. And we will have dinner together, so it will be like a regular retreat, just on Sunday evening instead of Saturday midday. That means normal costs to, to cover the food and childcare costs.
    *** Please register here if you want to come ***

  • Zoom meeting: Monday, October 11, 9:00 am - 10:30 am. We'll have a Zoom option with Bob & Dan, for those of you who prefer remote or can't make it on Sunday night or live in Germany. No need to register or pay anything. The Zoom link will be sent out next week.

This is a very special opportunity to hear from, and be able to ask questions of, two leaders who have lived in community for decades. They've seen all the challenges and problems, and you can ask them anything you have concerns or fears about as we move towards community at CTR. If you are interested in moving that direction with us, we strongly encourage you to attend either or both of the opportunities (and let us know if neither works, we can try to set something up for you). Thanks!

Amy's Teaching on Abraham Available Online

Amy's sermon from Hope Chapel is online! See below for the video link, and it is also available as an audio-only teaching on the website or in the app, via the Teaching of the Week.