CTR Announcements Sept 22

Amy Teaching @ Hope Chapel on Sunday 9/26

Amy will be preaching the sermon at Hope Chapel this Sunday! She will speak from her upcoming book on Abraham. Please pray for her as she finishes her preparations, and especially as she speaks on Sunday.

And ... let's pray onsite! Hope Chapel is at 6701 Arroyo Seco Austin, TX 78757, and the service starts at 10 am.

You will be able to attend via the Hope Chapel YouTube channel. ... just look for the 20210926 Worship Service and click it.

Thomas' Teaching on Prayer Available Online

The teaching from Saturday's retreat is up on YouTube, for those of you who weren't able to make it and want to listen in (or for those of you who want to listen again!):

Foundations of Community #6: Prayer

It is also available as an audio-only teaching, via the Teaching of the Week.

Paper vs. Phone

One of the points made in the teaching was that a paper Bible (how quaint!) is actually an important resource for praying Biblical prayers. As opposed to a phone Bible. Here's an article that was recently published in Christianity Today that reinforces this idea ... we encourage you to read and consider it.

October 17:  Alleluia Leaders Visiting!

This is a rich and important season @ CTR. To have two of the leaders from Alleluia traveling to CTR to spend time with us is a gift from God. Please reserve the afternoon and evening of Sunday, October 17 on your calendars. We'll begin at 3:30 pm, and finish in time for kids to get a good night's sleep before school the next day.