A Presbyterian/Anglican Church Merger

A few years ago, Bob Ogle, then-pastor of a Presbyterian church, began praying with his church’s leaders that more young people would be drawn into their flock. They occupied a beautiful new building and had a committed core of members, but so far none of their efforts to attract young families seemed to stick.

After months of prayer, Bob met the Rev. Peter Johnson, the rector of a small Anglican church plant in the neighborhood. The two became fast friends and partners in ministry, as Peter’s church began renting the Presbyterian worship space on Sunday mornings for their services. This is nothing terribly new—churches have often used the same space out of need and convenience.

But then something amazing happened. Over time, the two churches began to draw together. Over a summer, they collapsed their two separate services into one shared service. God moved the hearts of the people together and with great humility and diligent prayer, the two churches agreed to become one—Trinity Anglican Church.

Source: David Roseberry  -  "A Story of Faithfulness from the Bayou: A Presbyterian/Anglican Church Merger", Anglicanpastor.com, 10 January 2019