CTR Announcements Feb 18

March Retreat Moved 1 Week

We had previously posted the date for March's retreat as Saturday, March 19. We need to move it one week. The new date is March 26. Please update your calendars ... thank you!

In April we are planning to not have a retreat, but instead to have a Work Day (date TBD), and also some time with Walter Heidenreich who will be visiting Texas. More details forthcoming soon.

We are aiming for a Camp Tejas retreat day in May ... hurrah! The weather should be warm enough for the kids to swim, and we adults will spend time carefully reading and discussing the Community Commitment.

Some Have Adopted ... Others Stay Tuned!

Last Saturday, February 12, we had a joyously wonderful retreat together. In addition to Amy's deep teaching on Formation, a number of us adopted the Statement of Personal Devotion for 2022. It was so great to sign it together, in person!

A number of you have indicated that you would like an alternate time for adopting the statement for 2022, because you weren't able to make it on Saturday. Stay tuned for an email coming your way, with some potential dates / times. Thanks!

Teaching About Fasting

In somewhat of a surprise, Thomas was invited to teach at Midtown Church on the subject of fasting. The Holy Spirit blessed that invitation when Angelina Gamper accepted Thomas' invitation to co-teach. Her part was really wonderful ... it starts about halfway through. Enjoy!

Book News

Many of you have been following Thomas & Amy as they worked on their books through the past several years. Yesterday was a banner day. Thank you for praying!

First, Amy submitted a query letter to a literary agent for the book she is writing with her father, Runaway Bay. This is a short letter introducing the book, in hopes that the literary agent will pick it up and find a publisher for it. Please pray that the book will end up published by exactly the right publisher in God's eyes! ... so as to bring the message of hope and healing from abandonment to as many people as possible.

Second, Thomas received the contract for his book, which now has an official title: Unity Through Repentance: The Journey To Wittenberg 2017. Copy editing is moving fast thanks to our talented friend Bob Fullilove, and they expect to have a cover in the next month, and publish it in late May or early June. Also, progress is being made towards a German translation, and an audio book. Keep praying!